If you've come up to the edge of the swamp, that must (or might) mean you want to learn a little about the thing swimming inside it. In that case, hello. I am the eponymous seer, who you may refer to as 'seer'. I have other names elsewhere. If you know them, you may use them.
Anyhow, I created this place to dump art, and included a blog section in case I wanted to post random thoughts in a 'not-private-but-not-traditional-social-media' place. I also have a Dreamwidth, which I might use. It's linked below.I may look into accessibility features for my site in the future. There aren't really any for now, though.
Warning for potential sinkholes; past, present, and future. Adult and upsetting concepts may feature ahead. There is nothing I can do to help you out, so exercise caution. There will also likely be typos. I may be able to do something about those. There will be spoilers for the works of Abigail Hilton, and maybe other things.
You can leave comments here. I will remove the ability to comment if people become annoying, although it seems far more likely that people won't talk at all, haha.