Within the Swamp, a Seer is Watching
Within the Swamp, a Seer is Waiting

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This part of the swamp features a variety of random explicit art. All things stated in the previous art section apply here.

Warning for potential sinkholes; past, present, and future. You will encounter adult art here. Though there will likely be a separate page for such art soon, you may still encounter upsetting concepts here. There is nothing I can do to help you out, so exercise caution. There will also likely be typos. I may be able to do something about those.

You can leave comments here. Here is my main art page. There will likely be a darker, kinkier, violent NSFW page in the future.

Pictures A, B, C, D: (last modified: 03/08/24)

Note: (05/05/24) Despite splitting the original image into four smaller images, I have elected to keep the summary the same. Likewise, not every image will need to be updated for me to alter the 'last modified' date. I have not edited the text below with this update. I'm still reasonably proud of this/these image(s), though there's a lot of problems I can see.
That's a lot, huh? Anyhow, there's around fifty-four unique doodles of Chance and Sham either having sex or engaging in some other form of intimacy. I'm really enjoying working on this right now, perhaps unsurprisingly. While I'm still putting some effort in, it's also intentionally 'low effort'. I might add some shading or lighting in later, but the idea is not too stress too much; yes, Sham's paws look a bit rubbish, yes, there are some shortcuts and anatomical estimations...but I'm also learning things and having fun experimenting, and I get to express some of my general joy for these characters. So, hopefully there will be updates for this drawing. I've also numbered and lettered them, so I can describe each doodle with some ease. Also, I feel like I've read contradictory things regarding sheep dewclaws. Sighs. I've fixed the weird bumps around Chance's hooves; still 'low effort', but a bit better.
A1: Chance and Sham snuggling and chatting in bed. What are they talking about? Who knows...something interesting!
A2: A bottoming Chance on top. For most penetrative sex between him and Sham I assume a tie will happen at some point, but they have fun experimenting with positions getting there (they may even be able to maintain some of the positions during the tie). And yes, even though it's not stated, I assume Chance has ram-like genitalia the same way Sham has wolf-like genitalia. My artistic approximation may be lacking, but domestic ram's do, at least, have that funny bit at the end. His balls are hiding in his wool; in general, I have enough trouble making cocks visible, let alone balls. Anyhow, I'm shortcutting Sham's various scars; I want them visible, but I don't want to spend a lifetime drawing them for these doodles.
A3: Ah, sixty-nine, the sex number. In the original version you were meant to be able to see Sham's face, but I couldn't position it right, so only Chance is visible. I think he looks cute, though. I have no idea how hooves should look at that angle (but I think my approximations of hooves are less terrible than my approximations of wolf paws; sorry, Sham, I love your cute paws, I do, but I haven't got the hang of them yet).
B1: Another sixty-nine, but at a different angle so we can see Sham. He's smug-pleased, horny-pleased, and happy-pleased that he's managed to get Chance off his cock to moan for a bit (not that Chance was doing a bad job; it's just very pleasing to know you're making someone else feel so good they can't concentrate on their current task, y'know?). His smile makes me happy.
B2: Standing sex. They're against a wall or something. When the tie starts, they'll sit or lie down, but until then they get to enjoy some vertical loving.
B3: Chair sex...or fingering and snuggling, I suppose. I think they look pretty cute.
C1: Chair sex, with Chance again bottoming from the top. I worry Sham looks a bit silly, but then again, is it so wrong for a shelt to look a bit silly when a most attractively ornamental cliff faun is demonstrating, er, some impressive bouncing manoeuvers? He's just feeling good. I might edit his chin, though. Not sure the angle is right.
C2: You can tell I'm really struggling with that one leg, haha. I'm also a little irked by Chance's face. I might fix it? We'll see. Anyhow, it's...emotional paw love? I like to entertain thoughts regarding Sham's paw wounds. While I know some of this concept was addressed in Adagio (regarding his whip scars and Chance's past actions) it's still something I enjoy playing with. Chance kissing them is affectionate, but also a little heavy. Sham is meant to be a little concerned, because he can tell Chance is feeling guilty...but also, I don't think Chance expressing guilt and love through a bit of intimate paw snuggling action is so bad. And also, it's probably something it'd be easier to be 'normal' about after the first few times where he gets to be 'weird' about it, if that makes sense. And then you can have much less heavy paw massages, Sham! But I also just like the idea of Chance being tender with them, and it genuinely becoming pleasurable for Sham (there was originally a version of this with Sham making a somewhat more 'interested' expression). But also, I like sex and intimacy that gets a little heavy (alright, very heavy, but I don't think this emotional paw love moment is necessarily that heavy). Ah, I don't feel I explained this well, but regardless, moving on.
C3: Much less complicated; hands and knees, doggy-style, from behind, whatever you want to call it. They do it in Adagio; they probably do it after Adagio! Forgive my expressions...or love them, that'll also do! I might edit Sham's still, but I'm pretty fond of Chance's!
D1: This was originally intended to be the missionary position, but due to their positioning it's probably more 'pre-missionary'. It's cute, though. Chance's ear is bent weirdly because, er, Sham is touching his face in a way that would probably make his ear bend (not unpleasantly, but just, y'know). Also, Chance's hands on Sham's scars. And chit-chat. They're talking about something worth smiling about.
D2: So, I mostly view Chance as a bottom. That's how I prefer to imagine him, anyway. I also tend to imagine him more submissive when it comes to some of the sex he has and wants, which isn't quite the same thing as being submissive in all the sex he has or wants, or outside of sex, for that matter. However, I also like versatility. How much versatility depends on the characters involved, and other such things, but in this case I like a little. In particular, while I have no real reason for this, I don't imagine Sham as an exclusive top. I still like to play with versatility with 'exclusive position' types, but I prefer it even moreso with characters that don't strike me as such. So I let myself draw some versatility between these two, and thought it was cute. Chance is a bit unsure, but he likes to make Sham feel good. I also don't know if wolflings are capable of having slightly different orgasms from, er, 'internal' versus 'external' versus 'blended' stimulation like some humans are, but I wondered if that might be something they'd explore. Chance, I feel, is a bit nervous in a different way from other sorts of sex (which doesn't mean he doesn't have anxiety about other sorts of sex), but they'll manage a giggly-good time, I reckon. At least, they have in this picture!
D3: I think, again, Sham was supposed to be inside Chance, but when I drew the positions it didn't quite work out. That's okay, though, because it looks like they had fun anyway! I think Chance is cute folded up like that, legs in the air, hand curling up by his hair. Sham is probably saying something both sweet and 'smart' about Chance making a mess of himself (which is the result Sham was hoping for, as one would expect). I struggle with drawing the legs in these positions, haha.
E1: If I can lengthen Chance and Sham in the torso, I will. Chance is meant to be a little folded up, but I feel like he looks a little bit too short there. Nevertheless, it's side sex! I think their faces are fun here. Also, probably some of the nicest upside down paws I've done for Sham!
E2: Head-down, arse-up...or...I think this is called lordosis? Either way, another fun position. I enjoyed drawing this one. Chance always looks like he's having a good time, anyway, and Sham looks sweet.
E3: I'm not entirely sure Chance's leg (or one of his legs) can do what it's doing in this picture, but I've forgiven myself. Part of the issue is you can't really see that one bend at the angle I drew it. Regardless, I wanted to draw this position no matter how poorly. Chance is feeling less intelligent, but in a good way (he's definitely someone who thinks and broods a lot, but right now, there's not much on his mind except affection and, well, other things. Things of depth...well, there is something deep in this picture, anyhow). And Sham's hand on his face, hehe. I can't think of much intelligent to say myself, so I'll leave it there.
F1: This is meant to be from Adagio! So, yes, they are tied right now. It's the part near the end when they're on their sides, Sham is kissing Chance's neck, and Chance is about to come again (hey, rams are known for being horny; just how it is). That whole scene, whole story, is so very lovely. My doodle doesn't even capture a fragment of it, but I hope it's still nice to look at.
F2: It's kissing. And yes, I might make Chance cry in this one. He's got big emotions that have to go somewhere! But I may also not, I don't know. I also fixed the wonky bit I mentioned; it's not perfect, but it will do for now. Coming back to it, I think I'll leave him without tears. I still dunno, though.
F3: There's a bunch of 'one clothed, one nude' pictures on this page. In this one, I decided to take a 'bottom clothed, top nude' approach. Chance has either somewhere to go or somewhere he's been, but whatever the case, he's on the bed now. I went with 'hands and knees' again, albeit a different angle. I think 'one clothed, one nude' (you can play with the numbers for more than two) is a lot of fun, whatever the situation; is Chance flustered because he knows he's going to be a little ruffled at his next appointment, or because Sham didn't want to wait for him to undress (and he didn't want him to wait, either)? Hmmm....
G1-G2: No explanations, for the same reason as mentioned above.
G3: This was originally going to be the picture wherein Sham was more openly enjoying Chance doing things to his paw, but then I changed it when I couldn't position it right. It was briefly a cute handjob with Chance making a rather dopey face at Sham's cock (hehehe). But now it's a blowjob. I think it's still cute, and Chance's eyelashes are pretty. I like drawing Sham looking affectionate. Forgive me for sounding silly, I feel like he's got a face like warm sunsets and cosy fires against autumn chills. Anyway, I'll spare you a talk about Chance's eyes and face, haha.
H1-H3: No explanations, for the same reason as mentioned above.
I1: Part one of that piano sex they talked about. I feel like it would be easier back-to-chest, but decided to explore lying-on-back too; Chance is in his twenties, so he can handle any potential aches and pains from it, I feel (LOL). I don't want to draw the pianoforte, though, or any furniture. I just want to draw horny cliff fauns and wolflings, ah.
I2-Q2: No explanations, for the same reason as mentioned above.
Q3: I shouldn't have started this one. It's much better for me to try and do things in something resembling an order...but I clearly couldn't resist. Anyhow, it's a mutual handjob, performed outdoors. They've clearly been rolling around doing something else. I enjoy drawing them outside, even though that's risky and perhaps uncomfortable. But any discomfort appears rather outweighed by their pleasure, or at least their expressions say so.
R1-R3: No explanations, because of the same reasons as above. Encouragement for me to work on the picture and fix the wonky bits I'm noticing and can't tolerate (and I can tolerate a lot of wonky bits, because that's because what my life is; a wonky bit...eh).
Anyway, as mentioned below, I have even more ideas for smut and intimacy. I also want to do a darker piece (Chance had some violent fantasies, and...I guess so do I, heh), but that one would not go on this page. As mentioned significantly kinkier and darker pictures will go elsewhere. But I hope this collection of doodles is fun to look at. It's fun for me to think about. Some doodles are based on things the characters do, but most is just my imagination doing cartwheels and splits for fun.

Picture A: (last modified: 07/02/23)

I probably won't be working on this one for a while, but just as above, I wanted to doodle more smut and intimacy. There's a handful of ideas written down, alongside a doodle of a long-haired Sham and Chance having a very nice time under all three of Panamindorah's moons. They're all full, too, hehe. Being outside under a bright moon really does do something to the heart.

Picture A: (30/11/22).

I was attempting an angle and pose that unfortunately did not quite work out, so if they look a little odd, that's (part of) the reason why. It's why Chance's chest is probably a bit bigger than I'd usually draw it, but oh well. I think it's pretty fun.
Fingers in mouths, hmmm. I remember reading a manga in which it happened as a teenager and being interested in it, but I'd say it also 'misses' a lot of the time for me. Doesn't make it bad, though. I think it looks fun in this picture. But maybe that's just the 'Chance/Sham' effect, haha.

Picture B: (09/12/22).

I tend to be really lazy when I draw explicit stuff. Anyway, trying to figure out how to do blowjobs. I'm not particularly into blowjobs, if I were perfectly honest, but on the other hand, I think delightful things can come from them? There's an innuendo there. But what I mean is, Chance fumbling through it is pleasing to me. Sham is trying to hold his hair back from his face (for reasons that are kind, and also just because he wants to watch Chance) but Chance is having a moment (hiding). But he also kind of wants Sham to watch him, even if he's feeling a bit ridiculous (in all fairness, I imagine it is much easier to do what he's doing to a cliff faun than a wolfling; think about it).
I also wanted to try doodling something like this because it was one of Chance's fantasies. There's something deeply appealing about Chance actually having fantasies; the kinky ones and I guess the more vanilla, whatever that means in the society of Middle Panamindorah. I feel like if I started to do Chance's other fantasies, I'd have to do it the third art page I've mentioned elsewhere, probably. Maybe not?
Anyway, it's just a scribble, but I hope it's fun for those who look. I think scribbles are fun.

Picture A: (16/04/22).

There's not too much to say about this one. It's just a mildly amused naked lady. Her expression seems fun to me.

Picture A: (29/11/22).

A group of naked women. I thought it would be fun to have them all facing different directions. The one looking directly off to the side feels like she's saying, "This is my preferred angle," while simultaneously like she has very little interest in looking directly at you. The one in the middle seems amused, almost distracted. Plotting, or thinking of something funny. The one looking directly at the camera feels intense, a bit dangerous? They could be inviting, but also perhaps not. The weight of their bodies was fun to draw.

The creature in the background image isn't actually a seer. It's a nøkken.
Background image credit: Theodor Kittelsen. RSS feed here. Comments here