Within the Swamp, a Seer is Watching
Within the Swamp, a Seer is Waiting

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This part of the swamp features a variety of random art relating to miscellaeneous and original works. It is often not finished, and is frequently not good (in fact, it is often detritus, and other such scraps of the world). I have decided that I would enjoy posting swamp-drek, however, as well as all the delightful things that never exited their larval stage. You may or may not enjoy it too, but regardless, it is here (for now, at least, as it may be gone some day in the future).

To note: these works are not posted in order of 'best-to-worst', 'most-recent-to-oldest', although new additions will probably be closer to the top for convenience. Art pertaining to tabletop roleplaying, as well as the worlds of Abigail Hilton, most predominately Panamindorah, has been separated onto different pages. I do not post all works here. Please click on an image's thumbnail to see the image in full; please note that this will open the image in a new tab. Images will be described from left-to-right (or top to bottom, depending on how your screen loads them) with Picture A always being the leftmost image in that section, and so on and so forth. Dates are presented in the 'day/month/year' format. Longer descriptions of some works may be available in the blog section at some future date.

Warning for potential sinkholes; past, present, and future. Though there will likely be a separate page for such art soon, you may still encounter adult or upsetting concepts here. There is nothing I can do to help you out if you encounter anything you find disconcerting, so exercise caution. There will also likely be typos. I may be able to do something about those.

You can leave comments here. Here is my main NSFW page; there may be a darker, kinkier, violent one in the future. Note there may still be some mild nudity on this page.



Picture A: (last modified: 05/04/23)

I drew a self portrait. I know I look unusual; there are many versions of me, but this is the one I needed to draw on the fourth of April, 2023. There are many meanings here, but thinking of trying to describe it all, I get tired. For now, I'll just let you make assumptions, haha.

Picture B: (last modified: 05/04/23)

These are all variants with different levels of 'colour' or sketch visibility and other such. I hope you enjoy them.

Picture C: (last modified: 05/04/23)

These are all variants with different levels of 'colour' or sketch visibility and other such. I hope you enjoy them.

Picture D: (last modified: 05/04/23)

These are all variants with different levels of 'colour' or sketch visibility and other such. I hope you enjoy them.

Picture A: (last modified: 18/07/23)

After a lengthy period of creative inactivity, and one picture whichI started and never saved, I ended up doodling a picture of a character from my teenage years: Jaiden Walker. I'm fond of the picture, and fond of him... Thanks for helping me through my rut and emotions for over a decade now.

Picture A: (last modified: 21/04/23)

I never finished this, but it is fanart of Claude and Monoceros from Kate Heartfield's 'The Chatelaine' (or, the version I read, 'Armed in Her Fashion', although I intend to also read 'The Chatelaine' as well). I really enjoyed this book, and Claude in particular was a favourite; he's a great character. Anyhow, the book is one I'd definitely recommend! I do genuinely hope to see more of these two characters someday...

Picture A: (last modified: 17/01/23)

A gift, featuring someone's original character. He's from the same story as the cat-eared gentleman in the wonderfully colourful robes a few sections below this one. The background is a bit weak, but I think the actual character is quite pretty.

Picture B: (last modified: 11/02/22)

An older image I elected to post. This is a Merlin concept, but it was also me attempting to draw a character that reflected the temporary physical pain I was feeling at the time. Will I ever tell this Merlin story (not based on the BBC series, or really all that properly Arthurian either)? Probably not. But here he is! Ignore the fact you can see through his robes, they're not actually transparent.

Picture A: (last modified: 09/02/22)

For fun, I actually designed a bunch of Mario characters for myself. This one is a dapper vampire named Sarsaparilla. She has a fairly serious backstory for a Mario character, and can transform into a cute bat. As usual, I enjoy designing masculine women. I like to use this colour scheme, but it's not actually all that accurate to sarsaparilla proper. As far as designs go, I tried to keep her shapes simple, so as to keep her in line with actual Mario designs. I don't know if it worked, but I like her nonetheless.

Picture B: (last modified: 09/02/22)

The same except with spooky vampire eyes.

Picture C: (last modified: 09/02/22)

This one has a slightly more accurate colour scheme, at least when it comes to sarsaparilla. I think it looks pretty good.

Picture D: (last modified: 09/02/22)

The same except with spooky vampire eyes. By the way, I don't actually like the taste of sarsaparilla...but I do enjoy it as a word!

Picture A: (last modified: 10/06/22)

This is a picture of Karveen Vark with two bunnies whose owner I know. I happen to know them in real life and wanted to make a picture for them; perhaps ironically, I haven't watched their videos. I am not good at DoTA.

Picture B: (last modified: 15/04/22)

A random doodle I was inspired to do after seeing a lovely picture that combined bright colours in crayon. I like it well enough.

Picture A: (last modified: 01/08/20)

I remember one day, someone I knew came into my room and spoke to me for a little while. For some reason, we ended up on the topic of endlings; the last member of a species. I had never heard the term ‘endling’ before. I remember afterwards feeling the need to paint, even poorly, a picture of someone who was a key part of that conversation; George, a Hawaiian tree snail, and the last known member of Achatinella apexfulva.
My picture of George is not beautiful. I was not in a state of mind to attempt to paint beauty. But I wanted to paint them nonetheless. I would recommend reading about George and the plight of native Hawaiian snails, and perhaps the plight of snails and slugs in general.

Picture B: (last modified: 09/08/20)

This picture has no real title or meaning (it’s literally called ‘doodle2’ and I painted it as practise). I can’t remember the exact episode, but it’s inspired by several other doodles I did based on a screenshot from Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight, an anime (it was alright, but nothing special; the opening is gorgeous though). I actually took a small number of screenshots from that anime to practise backgrounds.
I feel like the presumption most people would make of this image is that the figure is a woman, but in my head, they are a guy. I think I want to draw more pictures with the sea at sunset and the land cutting through that fiery water.

Picture A: (last modified: 10/03/19)

I tested once whether I could draw dragons (specifically, Flight Rising dragons). The answer is not really, and doing so didn’t bring me much joy anyhow. With that said, I do like this fluffy tundra dragon. Perhaps you can imagine having a nice cup of tea or coffee or whatever you like with them.

Picture B: (last modified: 18/12/18)

Ao no Flag is a manga I like. My interest in it isn’t all that high right now, but back when it was I attempted to draw the main four cosplaying as Undertale characters for Halloween. I didn’t finish it, but figured I would share the attempt here. I also like sharing scrappy things. I like a scrapbook feeling, with bits of unfinished doodles and text combined with more complete things.

Picture C: (last modified: 24/11/18)

This picture is called ‘faekind’. I think this was a faerie concept; their guts spilling like roots into the ground, flowers and branches sprouting from randoms parts of their body. I cannot remember if this faerie was ‘well’ or not, though. Either way, here he is.

Picture A: (last modified: 10/09/18)

It’s Persephone if he were a man, very scrappy and sketchy. This concept actually comes from elaborate Kid Icarus: Uprising concept I wrote in my head some years ago. I will not be explaining it, heh. But regardless, it resulted in me having a male Persephone character sitting about, making conversation occasionally and reminding me he existed. He goes by Percy casually, but doesn’t take issue being called Persephone.
I have a male Cassandra running around in my head too, as well as a female Phillip, a female Einar...I like dismissing the assigned genders of names. Also, Cassandra is just a cool name, suitable for any despairing seer or prophet that comes along, regardless of gender.

Picture B: (last modified: 01/09/20)

I wanted to experiment with a bunch of mismatched brushes and create something cute and tacky. I dislike that one glowing blue blotch (it would be fine if I hadn’t been so clumsy with the shape). But rather than edit it, I post it as it is. The mistakes remain. Maybe I'm leaving it to remind myself the point of this site was so I could just post anything, even the most clumsily done pictures. Constantly going back and editing them defeats that purpose. Experimenting with the funky effects of brushes and textures is fun. I think the look is quite fun too, and I might try this approach again sometime.

Picture C: (last modified: 22/08/18)

It’s a Mettaton EX doodle from a while ago. There’s not much to be said except...oh, yes!

Picture A: (last modified: 22/12/19)

This was a quick gift I did for someone involving a character of theirs. There are some flaws, but I like it overall. There isn’t too much to say. I think I did a good job making my messy painting look nice despite only having a short time to make it. I should try to do that more often, as there are parts I think are nice due to that roughness. I like the colours of the robe and the hand (although the palm should be paler) too!

Picture B: (last modified: 31/01/22)

Reinterpreting and recreating fairytales, folk stories, and myths is pretty normal for most people (most creatives, at least). This here is Rapunzel, or my rendition of him, anyway. His hair is sticky and thick, a tar-like bog filled with bubbles and strange magics and leaves and twigs. There’s a lot of it (so much so that he can cover his tower room in it and wedge himself into a ceiling corner to hide, which he does the first time he meets ‘the wanderer’, which would be my version’s prince). His neck is full of weird magic, and I imagine he quite literally drags people up with it, as opposed to doing it with the ‘pulley’ system Disney’s Rapunzel uses. He is full of weird magic in general (you can’t necessarily tell due to no scale being provided, but he is significantly taller than a human).
He doesn’t actually have much of an interest in leaving his tower (he’s deeply agoraphobic, has no social skills or desire to learn them, and has reasonable concerns as to what would happen to him if he left). Despite that, he doesn’t have a positive relationship with his witch caretaker, although I don’t necessarily want to make her evil. Whatever the case, he’s weird. I like him. There’s more to his story, but I’ve rambled on enough. I hope my strange Rapunzel is at least a little interesting.

Picture C: (last modified: 25/12/19, text removed 31/03/22)

The story behind this one is weird; it was a gift for someone whose reaction to it I never saw, only knew through someone else, and was never particularly close to. It was a fun experimental gift meant to show much appreciation of their cat, which most people I would hope would appreciate? Does it amuse you? I hope it does!

The creature in the background image isn't actually a seer. It's a nøkken.
Background image credit: Theodor Kittelsen. RSS feed here. Comments here