To note: these works are not posted in order of 'best-to-worst', 'most-recent-to-oldest', although new additions will probably be closer to the top of their respective sections for convenience. Art pertaining to the worlds of Abigail Hilton, most predominately Panamindorah, as well as other miscellaeneous and original works, has been separated onto different pages. I do not post all works here. Please click on an image's thumbnail to see the image in full; please note that this will open the image in a new tab. Images will be described from left-to-right (or top to bottom, depending on how your screen loads them) with Picture A always being the leftmost image in that section, and so on and so forth. Dates are presented in the 'day/month/year' format. Longer descriptions of some works may be available in the blog section at some future date.
Warning for potential sinkholes; past, present, and future. Though there will likely be a separate page for such art soon, you may still encounter adult or upsetting concepts here. There is nothing I can do to help you out if you encounter anything you find disconcerting, so exercise caution. There will also likely be typos. I may be able to do something about those.
You can leave comments here. Here is my main NSFW page; there may be a darker, kinkier, violent one in the future. Note there may still be some mild nudity on this page.