Within the Swamp, a Seer is Watching
Within the Swamp, a Seer is Waiting

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This part of the swamp features a variety of random art relating to tabletop roleplaying. It is often not finished, and is frequently not good (in fact, it is often detritus, and other such scraps of the world). I have decided that I would enjoy posting swamp-drek, however, as well as all the delightful things that never exited their larval stage. You may or may not enjoy it too, but regardless, it is here (for now, at least, as it may be gone some day in the future).

To note: these works are not posted in order of 'best-to-worst', 'most-recent-to-oldest', although new additions will probably be closer to the top of their respective sections for convenience. Art pertaining to the worlds of Abigail Hilton, most predominately Panamindorah, as well as other miscellaeneous and original works, has been separated onto different pages. I do not post all works here. Please click on an image's thumbnail to see the image in full; please note that this will open the image in a new tab. Images will be described from left-to-right (or top to bottom, depending on how your screen loads them) with Picture A always being the leftmost image in that section, and so on and so forth. Dates are presented in the 'day/month/year' format. Longer descriptions of some works may be available in the blog section at some future date.

Warning for potential sinkholes; past, present, and future. Though there will likely be a separate page for such art soon, you may still encounter adult or upsetting concepts here. There is nothing I can do to help you out if you encounter anything you find disconcerting, so exercise caution. There will also likely be typos. I may be able to do something about those.

You can leave comments here. Here is my main NSFW page; there may be a darker, kinkier, violent one in the future. Note there may still be some mild nudity on this page.



Picture A: (last modified: 28/09/20)

This is a picture of my DnD character, Tort. He's a tortle moon druid. His full name is Smorgas Torta, which in turn comes from the real Swedish word Smörgåstårta. It means sandwich cake. I love him very much. I could go on and on about him, but I will not. This picture was a simple sketch to understand some of his appearance.

Picture B: (last modified: 17/07/21)

This was an incomplete concept; an aortic eldritch entity with god-like powers and an unconditional love of people. He was a patron for a character I never played. His name was Beloved, the All-Adoring Aortic Abomination. The neon colours were for fun, although he might actually just be neon. I don't know.

Picture C: (last modified: 29/07/20)

This is another, more detailed bust/half of Tort. I'm still quite proud of it; it took a lot of work! I also think it captures some aspects of his character well, although there are depths and nuances not explored.

Picture A: (last modified: 29/10/23)

Unfinished lazy warm-up doodle of my 'Monster of the Week' character, Robbie 'Shadow' Smith, a Spooky Goth-Casual Teen.

Picture B: (last modified: 31/10/23)

Also unfinished, but much less lazy, doodle of a Robbie 'Shadow' Smith. I enjoy playing him. Feel a bit too tired to type more.

Picture A: (last modified: 28/02/23)

Another DnD character; he hasn't been used yet. His name is Arianwen. He's a rather adorable harengon of unknown age (he seems to be an adult, despite his adorable appearance). He does go adventuring in a nightgown and booties.

Picture B: (last modified: 28/02/23)

The lighting is strange now, how odd. I wonder if something is going on with this rabbit... He's still rather polite, at least!

Picture A: (last modified: 18/10/21)

This is another of my DnD characters, Idji Ott. He's a kobold rogue; he looks quite irreverent in this picture, but there is grief and intensity to him; like Tort, he has his depths. It was also my decision to have him be styled after a blue-tongued lizard. My DM let me rewrite the kobold lore for him too, which was nice.

Picture B: (last modified: 17/01/22)

And again, another of my DnD characters; an unfinished painting of my bladesinger fire genasi, Igneous. I could repeat the depth thing, but instead I'll just say she has a million epithets and sobriquets and gave them all to herself. Who else would have the authority to do so, after all? She is meant to have cracks in her skin with lava flowing underneath.

Picture C: (last modified: 30/10/21)

This is a picture of Idji and Meleth, one of the DnD characters in his party. I wish I had erased the comment about backpacks, but forgot to. I made it to figure out how to draw Meleth, and also to illustrate their amusing height difference. Idji is two feet tall, or almost 61cm. Meleth is eight feet tall, around 2.4m.

Picture A: (last modified: 22/01/23)

A gift! This one features both Meleth (not my character) and Idji (my character). They are preparing to do something adventurous! Idji wears very silly goggles; he didn't originally, but he picked them up on his journey. I also wear silly goggles when I play him. Anyhow, I like drawing Meleth and Idji hanging out because their height difference makes them an inherently amusing team. There are also other amusing reasons, but I don't feel like rambling on right now. I think the art is pretty good, though!

Picture A: (last modified: 19/01/22)

This is a member from one of my DnD groups; a modified vampire named Adonis. I wanted to draw angsty and brooding pictures, but many events involving him are actually pretty funny. He's a bard. He occasionally flirts but I think he does better work when he doesn't.

Picture B: (last modified: 20/01/22)

This is Meleth, mentioned above. He's a member of the same DnD group as Adonis and Idji, as well as two others. As above, he is meant to look a bit broody. He's our barbarian. He's also a firbolg, albeit one that doesn't quite resemble DnD 5e or Critical Role firbolgs, heh. That's fine though.

Picture A: (last modified: 02/05/22)

This was a birthday gift; someone I play DnD with wanted a picture of their character. The reference was actually a picture of one Caroliss Mineran from Pathfinder; credit where it's due. I suppose this makes this dual-fanart. It was a pretty difficult picture for me.
The scene depicted is a reoccuring vision from the campaign, in which their character is underwater and my character standing on top of the water reaches down for her (this latter part was a decision I made. My character was just on top of the water, but I felt he would try to help her). Her name (as a DnD character) is Aeryn, often just Ren. The tortle hand will look familiar, heh.

Picture B: (last modified: 15/06/22)

This is an unfinished picture of Sunova 'Sunny' Beech. He's my sheep satyr DnD character, a paladin who has sworn an Oath of the Ancients, and has a slightly weird backstory. In his current campaign, he's a human from Earth transported into a fantasy land (that he knew existed, due to some family shenanigans there). In concept, he's an ordinary fey albeit with a great amount of cheek (he's also a little darker here). And if I ever used him as an NPC, he'll definitely be a version/fragment of Puck in disguise, with probably the darkest backstory. A falling out with his Kingly and Queenly lovers would be involved.
He's a lot of fun. I did take inspiration from my Chance design for him, but I think it's obvious he's different (both in character and appearance). Also, yes, his name is a pun. A fake name he uses (and his twin brother's name, in the current campaign) is Merry/Mary Honour. Ha ha.

Picture C: (last modified: 02/05/22)

This is the same as the other image of Aeryn/Caroliss Mineran, save with a ripple effect. It's a little rushed, but I thought it decent.

Picture A: (last modified: 16/07/18)

For some reason, I am fond of this 'done in less than a minute' MS paint doodle. He's a character I made up for DnD, albeit an NPC rather than a PC. His name is Datura.

Picture B: (last modified: 09/08/20)

I look forward to updating this bit of nothing someday. They're beings known as triddles; people my character Tort sees. I want to draw lots of little plant people. Common human desire?

Picture A: (last modified: 03/05/22)

A commission I did of some DnD characters enjoying their time together napping. I learnt some things, and hope to continue getting better in the future. I'm grateful for the commission work, and for the commissioner's patience. There's a lot I need to improve on, but I worked hard. Thank you.

Picture B: (last modified: 18/07/21)

A sketch, for the aforementioned commissioner. I might do this picture some day, but for now, it's a good example of a very loose sketch. It's kind of cute.

Picture A: (last modified: 15/01/23)

One variant of the sketch in the section above this one. I finished it off as a gift, although this non-pink version is not the version I sent to the recipient.

Picture B: (last modified: 15/01/23)

The final version of this image. It's got a nice pinky hue now. I thought the sunset made it sweet, but I also like the non-pink version.

Picture A: (last modified: 06/05/22)

A gift for a child; he wanted my DnD character, someone else's, and his 'fan relative' versions of those characters. Cute. I made this in two days, but I think it looks pretty decent! I'd tidy up the background a little, but hey, at least I did a background! I must draw them in order to get better at them.

Picture A: (last modified: 29/04/20)

This is the template for a card I made. I cannot remember exactly what for, though I remember who it was for. I was a bit too lazy with the 'mirror' effects while drawing, and so the bottom two d20s are incorrect. But no one else cared, so everything was fine. I might go back at some point and fix it though, who knows? I do think it's a cute letter template.

Picture B: (last modified: 31/12/19)

This was a chibi commission I did for someone I know and their DnD party at the time. I really like the chibis in this one; there's a 'soft doll' feeling to them. Very fun.

The creature in the background image isn't actually a seer. It's a nøkken.
Background image credit: Theodor Kittelsen. RSS feed here. Comments here